Vimeo for iOS has undergone a complete overhaul, and has been rewritten using Swift.
Featuring cleaner navigation and a more intuitive flow, Vimeo also renewed its focus on content discovery. It now surfaces categories and staff pics under the ‘Explore’ screen, and shows related videos in the playback screen.
There are 16 different categories, all of which are curated by Vimeo staff. You can also find content using Spotlight search in iOS 9, if you know what you’re looking for.
Videos in your stream no longer take up the entire screen, either; they’re now thumbnails with a description off to the right. There are also enhanced commenting and sharing features, and Vimeo cleverly enhances video for the highest-quality playback depending on the device hardware.
Uploading also received some attention. In addition to an aesthetic change, you can now choose to password protect videos or hide them from Vimeo altogether after uploading. You can also choose to share with only people you follow, or select a group you want to share a video with. Those are desktop options for Vimeo, but have come to mobile for the first time.
Vimeo also says its back-end has been retooled to make uploads faster.
Profile screens display a bit more about you, too. Instead of a name, location and stream of videos, you’ll also be able to add a brief biography about yourself, and pages display how many likes and followers you have as well as how many Vimeo users are following you, just as you’ll find on the Web version of Vimeo.
The new-look Vimeo comes a day after its video editing app Cameo was updated with similar features. Cameo users can now see curated videos from other Cameo creators, and those using an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus have better support for 4K along with quality control for the final video. New sharing features closely mimic the Vimeo update, too.
All told, Vimeo is a lot more intuitive and friendly; it may have lost a bit of the panache that set it apart from the competition, but the update will likely keep users coming back for more.